
Fast&up Glutamine 60 Serving



L-glutamine is one of the most abundant amino acids present in the muscle cells. It is classified as a conditional amino acid, which means that the body is normally capable of manufacturing enough to meet its metabolic needs. But under extreme conditions, during intense exercise, glutamine levels deplete.
Post interest workouts the body is in need, it is necessary to supplement with glutamine to help meet the body’s demands through clean nutrition and diet.
Glutamine helps in overall muscle recovery post activity, decreases muscle soreness and improves muscle repair. It allows for your muscles to push a little harder during workouts.
It is an essential supplement for athletes and people who want to build more muscles since their bodies are constantly in need for metabolic functions. It is also important to maintain a healthy gut since it is an important amino acid that is a critical part of the immune system

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Weight 300 kg


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