
Steadfast Vitamin D3 – 90Caps


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Vitamin D3 or Cholecalciferol is a fat-soluble vitamin that  helps the body absorb calcium and phosphorus and facilitates normal immune system function. Taking an adequate amount of Vitamin D is crucial for healthy bones and teeth. A deficiency of this vitamin can lead to weak bones and skeletal deformities. Popularly called the ‘Sunshine Vitamin’, Vitamin D3 is made by our skin after exposure to sunlight. Indoor lifestyles in urban areas in India are leading to inadequate exposure to sunlight. Studies have shown between 40-90% of the Indian urban population is deficient in vitamin D. Therefore, anyone who has inadequate exposure to sunlight should consider taking Vitamin D3 supplements.

Naturally, Vitamin D3 is present in very few foods and is essentially required by our body for the normal mineralisation of our bones. Though it is found in some foods like fish, liver, egg, milk, and fortified products, it’s sunlight that is an abundant source of Vitamin D3. Since limited dietary sources contain vitamin D3, opting for a  supplement can be a wise option for maintaining good health and  preventing its deficiency.

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Weight 90 kg

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